MiME Type
Two Important Default MiME types
- text/plain : the default value for textual files. A textual file should be human-readable and must not contain binary data.
- application/octet-stream : the default value for all other cases. An unknown file type should use this type. Browsers are particularly careful when manipulating these files to protect users from software vulnerabilities and possible dangerous behavior.
Media Types (iana.org) IANA official registry of MIME Media Type
Some Important MIME Type
Extension | Kind of document | MIME Type |
.aac |
AAC audio | audio/aac |
.abw |
AbiWord document | application/x-abiword |
.arc |
Archive document (multiple files embedded) | application/x-freearc |
.avif |
AVIF image | image/avif |
.avi |
AVI: Audio Video Interleave | video/x-msvideo |
.azw |
Amazon Kindle eBook format | application/vnd.amazon.ebook |
.bin |
Any kind of binary data | application/octet-stream |
.bmp |
Windows OS/2 Bitmap Graphics | image/bmp |
.bz |
BZip archive | application/x-bzip |
.bz2 |
BZip2 archive | application/x-bzip2 |
.cda |
CD audio | application/x-cdf |
.csh |
C-Shell script | application/x-csh |
.css |
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) | text/css |
.csv |
Comma-separated values (CSV) | text/csv |
.doc |
Microsoft Word | application/msword |
.docx |
Microsoft Word (OpenXML) | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
.eot |
MS Embedded OpenType fonts | application/vnd.ms-fontobject |
.epub |
Electronic publication (EPUB) | application/epub+zip |
.gz |
GZip Compressed Archive | application/gzip |
.gif |
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) | image/gif |
.htm , .html |
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) | text/html |
.ico |
Icon format | image/vnd.microsoft.icon |
.ics |
iCalendar format | text/calendar |
.jar |
Java Archive (JAR) | application/java-archive |
.jpeg , .jpg |
JPEG images | image/jpeg |
.js |
JavaScript | text/javascript (Specifications: HTML and RFC 9239) |
.json |
JSON format | application/json |
.jsonld |
JSON-LD format | application/ld+json |
.mid , .midi |
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) | audio/midi , audio/x-midi |
.mjs |
JavaScript module | text/javascript |
.mp3 |
MP3 audio | audio/mpeg |
.mp4 |
MP4 video | video/mp4 |
.mpeg |
MPEG Video | video/mpeg |
.mpkg |
Apple Installer Package | application/vnd.apple.installer+xml |
.odp |
OpenDocument presentation document | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation |
.ods |
OpenDocument spreadsheet document | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet |
.odt |
OpenDocument text document | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text |
.oga |
OGG audio | audio/ogg |
.ogv |
OGG video | video/ogg |
.ogx |
OGG | application/ogg |
.opus |
Opus audio | audio/opus |
.otf |
OpenType font | font/otf |
.png |
Portable Network Graphics | image/png |
.pdf |
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) | application/pdf |
.php |
Hypertext Preprocessor (Personal Home Page) | application/x-httpd-php |
.ppt |
Microsoft PowerPoint | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint |
.pptx |
Microsoft PowerPoint (OpenXML) | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation |
.rar |
RAR archive | application/vnd.rar |
.rtf |
Rich Text Format (RTF) | application/rtf |
.sh |
Bourne shell script | application/x-sh |
.svg |
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) | image/svg+xml |
.tar |
Tape Archive (TAR) | application/x-tar |
.tif , .tiff |
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) | image/tiff |
.ts |
MPEG transport stream | video/mp2t |
.ttf |
TrueType Font | font/ttf |
.txt |
Text, (generally ASCII or ISO 8859-n) | text/plain |
.vsd |
Microsoft Visio | application/vnd.visio |
.wav |
Waveform Audio Format | audio/wav |
.weba |
WEBM audio | audio/webm |
.webm |
WEBM video | video/webm |
.webp |
WEBP image | image/webp |
.woff |
Web Open Font Format (WOFF) | font/woff |
.woff2 |
Web Open Font Format (WOFF) | font/woff2 |
.xhtml |
XHTML | application/xhtml+xml |
.xls |
Microsoft Excel | application/vnd.ms-excel |
.xlsx |
Microsoft Excel (OpenXML) | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
.xml |
XML | application/xml is recommended as of RFC 7303 (section 4.1), but text/xml is still used sometimes. You can assign a specific MIME type to a file with .xml extension depending on how its contents are meant to be interpreted. For instance, an Atom feed is application/atom+xml , but application/xml serves as a valid default. |
.xul |
XUL | application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml |
.zip |
ZIP archive | application/zip |
.3gp |
3GPP audio/video container | video/3gpp ; audio/3gpp if it doesn’t contain video |
.3g2 |
3GPP2 audio/video container | video/3gpp2 ; audio/3gpp2 if it doesn’t contain video |
.7z |
7-zip archive | application/x-7z-compressed |
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